How do you use fuel efficiently?

Combustion requires air (oxygen), and insufficient air results in incomplete combustion and too much air requires extra energy to heat the excess air. In other words, combustion efficiency can be improved by properly controlling the air/gas ratio during combustion.

Conventionally, multiple burners are controlled by an equalization valve in a single loop, but equalization valve control has a limited combustion range with a stable air ratio. Therefore, we have adopted an individual burner flow control system to maintain a constant efficient air ratio over the entire combustion range.

In addition, for facilities using regenerative burners, we propose the “Individual Combustion Control by Integral Precision Flow Control System” (patented), which can control the air ratio more precisely using the totalized combustion data (patented ICC System).

This system is compatible with all combustion furnaces and can be installed in existing furnaces.

Energy saving rate 5-7%
Compatible with all furnace types
Easy to install in existing furnaces